
opinionated writings

factual writings

the (remind me to delete)

mini instances of the fall of man

it is the dawn of the darkest hours of the day. perfect timing to stimulate the lump in the cranium by writing an article. although we may not realize it, man has been brought to some of the greatest depths of ruin before. i mean, how do we get the fall of the roman empire, or the several splittings and later renaming nonsense that was european history? history shows that the person and their society is not as invincible as we think.

act one: the most famous diamond studded examples of mass tragedy (and some that are not)

we all encounter many tragedies everyday. i can recall the feeling of despair when i finished off a delcious fanta yesterday. sometimes we have prevailing sense of absolute horror at mudane things. as MST3K (and myself with my butchering of the quote) once touted, hell rises up in many different ways. i could go on about the mundane things in live that make life torture, but im not here right now to talk about that. on topic now, disasters or events that caused great ruin within human history. one of the most notable instances of this scenario is pompeii. the classic story of a volcano decimating a well off city in the roman empire, killing thousands in the process and cementing itself as a popular tourist attraction for pasty white girls from north carolina. but i feel like it would be a bit of a waste of time to talk about this considering the fact that they teach this in basic world history (and if they didnt then i am so sorry for that and i implore you to read the wikipedia page here).

so since i am not talking about pompeii, i would like to talk about some less regarded examples of this kind of stuff. if you want to talk about decimated cities within the area of the modern age, i feel like one of the most interesting examples would be to look at plymouth, montserrat. for context, there exists an island which is a colony of the uk (no surprise there) and their capital on the island was plymouth. in 1997 the capital was decimated by the eruption of the nearby soufrière hills volcano and lahars. not much was really notable about the town before (at least to me) but it did serve as the only port of the island, and with them being a tiny island with an airport and a sea port to being a tiny island without an airport and sea port, this whole ordeal left the island quite isolated. however it took the british government and the island until 2015 to draw up new plans for a capital. of course there was and still is a de facto capital, but nothing concrete was ever really established. now if we examine the ruins of plymouth, we can see an either abandoned or submerged in hardened pyroclastic sludge stuff town. seeing a town in relative modernity being in such ruin is a bit surreal and pictures and videos of the remains are worth a peruse.

act two: step up to societies

i have no reason for putting this picture here.