
opinionated writings

factual writings

the (remind me to delete)

Crazy Cool Cookie Capers

ramblings about several things unrelated to each other. it would take too much time to string them all together into something a bit more cohesive or comprehendible. no cookies will be mentioned whatsoever.

apocalyptic settings in media

we stick a knife into a nuke! over the years of human history it has become apparent that we tend to have a morbid curiosity if society deteriorated or if some external force wipes all of us out. what would that mayhem look like, the destruction of all our progress? i know that this stuff is not that niche because it has been done so many times. i would like to recount some instances that i am aware of before this idea for an article fizzles out.

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the graphic design ramble

we tear apart graphic design! not really but i would like to discuss on a specific type of graphic design that ive seen, particularly in things made around the 1950's to the 1970's. i have no idea if this type of graphic design even has a name or if it even is a concrete style or not, im not an expert im some guy sitting in a chair writing this stuff because of moral obligations and because my handwriting is terrible, rendering a journal useless. anyways, thats the topic.

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the burgundy ramble

we saw apart europe! to quickly replace the void that has consumed what temp text once inhabited, i will be discussing very quickly about the color burgundy. to me, the color burgundy represents the two extremes inherit within todays people. the edgy teenager who thinks that such a cool color deserves a spot on their t-shirt, and the senile grandma who likes that color as it is the color of her favorite mittens. either way, this color manages to encapsulate (in my opinion) the most boring aspects of our decisions and thus makes it a bit of a funny color to pick for things. the name, when used with the proper tone, can give rise to quite the volume of hoot and holler.

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mr hand sez...
"more things to come soon"